Chris spent most of his early life in San Antonio, TX learning the tricks of the construction trade at a young age; He’s been remodeling houses and building septic systems with contractors since he was 12. By the time he was 19 he was renovating homes and working as Fire Fighter Paramedic in tandem.
After finding his future wife at UT in his early 20’s, he embarked on a journey to Portland Oregon where he learned how to brew beer and become a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor) and Commercial Helicopter Pilot. There they added two little ones to the family and decided to take a stent in Western Massachusetts where his wife is originally from. There he worked as a Master Brewer for a local brewery while remodeling their 70’s split level ranch.
After blistering cold and frigid northern temperatures, Chris and his family moved back to Austin in 2019 where they could spend more time water skiing and surfing in warm temperatures with close friends and family. Chris joined the team in late 2019 after we inspected his own house!