Brett Tutor
*please set up the inspection through this website, you will be contacted after we have received your form.

Brett's Experience
in the inspection business

TV Show Host
New Home Source TV
Brett started doing inspections when he was 15 years old.
He worked for his grandfather growing up assisting with home inspections, septic inspections and construction projects specializing in carpentry, framing and green building. TREC #20110
Brett is the only inspector in the country who has his TREC Professional Inspectors license, his Septic Installer 1 TCEQ license and his ARCSA installer and inspectors certifications. Brett is also a certified energy auditor and experinced well and pool inspector. Brett went from doing inspections on his own to growing one of the highest respected businesses in the Austin area, built on reputaion, experience and hard work.
Property Doctor owner and inspector Brett Tutor is the host for the TV Show New Home Source. Brett takes his unique construction knowledge around the country showing viewers the benefits of buying a new home versus a used home, highlighting energy effeciency.
This show is nation wide and can be seen here in Austin.
Tune into Fox on Sundays at 9am to see the show.
AS SEEN ON TV www.newhomesource.tv

International & Local Relief Work
Brett has traveled all over the world. In doing so he has realized just how fortunate he is. He has helped build schools in the Kibera slums of Kenya, Africa and also helps here locally with Habitat Humanity. The two images above are of Brett in Kenya and of Brett helping re build a home for a Bastrop fire victim.
"We don't have our own non profit yet, but it's coming! We have big plans on buiding schools, rain water systems and septic systems all over the world where there is need. Every Property Doctor gets involved. We use our own personal income to help when we can, so of course we could not do any of this without your business.
So sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you."